The majority of Canadians are online and searching the web every day. According to Stats Canada, over 80% of Canadians are online. With a country of connected people, it is no wonder that our .CA country code domain names have been a success with over 1.5 million .CA domain names registered already. As some of you may or may not know, CIRA (Canadian Internet Registration Authority) is the governing body in charge of the .CA extension. Recently they made huge improvements to their services and created a new streamlined .CA registry system for an improved customer experience. Due to this update, domain names which were scheduled to be dropped got locked in the system. Thanks to this upgrade, we are seeing an unprecedented number of domain names being dropped TODAY (Dec. 1st, 2010). Over 33,000 .ca domain names are being released to the public making this the best time for you to grab the perfect domain name for your business. For more information on picking the right domain name click on the link or contact Collabo today and we’ll be happy to assist...