Internet Marketing

Online Reputation Management

online reputation management

The Internet has provided an outlet in which people can defame others with little or no accountability.

As social networking sties, review sites and blogs become more and more mainstream, opportunities for defamation or libel increase proportionally. It is very possible for a company’s hard earned reputation to be destroyed overnight by anyone on the Internet, even someone who has never had any exposure to your company or worse – a competitor.

Although review sites were created to provide the public with transparency and protect them against unethical business practices; unfortunately, in some cases review sites themselves fall victim to abuse and fraud. Receiving a bad review, posting or testimonial from a false user or competitor can be detrimental to a company and if this posting shows up on the first page of search results, it could put a company out of business.

In order to prevent the loss of thousands of dollars in sales, companies are often stuck pursuing legal action, which is very costly and there is often insufficient evidence for the case to be successful.

As seen on The Social Network, the Internet is written in ink and it can be difficult to completely erase information. Studies show that 68% of people do not make it past the first page of the search results., therefore it is possible to bury the defaming articles, comments or reviews and bring the information you want displayed to the top of the search results using SEO tactics.

Social Media can also be an effective tool for managing customer complaints, interacting with your fans and building positive relationships with clients.

Collabo offers a way to defend your reputation through our unique reputation management strategy. Collabo will ensure that your name or company has the opportunity to put your best foot forward online and showcase your best attributes.

For a Proven, Guaranteed Reputation Management Strategy that Works
Contact Collabo Today at 1-877-545-8227